How Do I Select My School Rank Preferences?
Review the guidance provided to best rank your schools, especially if you have a pre-match offer.
Take a deeper look at the transformative mission of UTRGV's School of Podiatric Medicine and their inspiring push to transform Texas healthcare by filling a crucial need.
Review the guidance provided to best rank your schools, especially if you have a pre-match offer.
JAMP's five-part seminar series, in partnership with OnlineMedEd, provided scholars with strategies to support both academic success and personal growth.
Interviews for professional school are the culmination of years of preparation and represent an important step in your journey toward becoming a healthcare professional. Now, they've gone virtual.
Access the TMDSAS and TXHES updates for health professions advisors at the TAAHP 2023 Conference.
Live sessions on Wednesdays at 2 pm CT
We've joined forces with the Parents of TX Pre-Meds Facebook group to learn more about what you need to know to better support your pre-med.
Meet Sandy, an admin of the Parents of TX Pre-Meds, an online community to support parents of aspiring physicians on Facebook.
Meet Veronica, lead admin of the Parents of TX Pre-Meds, an online community to support parents of aspiring physicians on Facebook.